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Dinosaur in a Haystack: Reflections in Natural History
Stephen Jay Gould
Dean Koontz: A Writer's Biography
Katherine Ramsland
Marx & Lennon: The Parallel Sayings
Joey Green, Yoko Ono, John Lennon, Groucho Marx, Arthur Marx
Skeleton Creek
Patrick Carman
The Iron Daughter
Julie Kagawa
Gina Damico
The Curiosities: A Collection of Stories
Maggie Stiefvater, Brenna Yovanoff, Tessa Gratton
Eden at the Edge of Midnight
John Kerry
The Feud: The Hatfields and McCoys
Dean King
Crunch Time - Diane Mott Davidson I ended up waiting longer than normal to read this next book in one of my favorite series, and really the only mystery series that I read. Normally I would check it out when it first came out, but I was so busy reading other things, that I ended up waiting till it was in paperback and then buying it. And even then, I didn't have the money when it first came out, so it was a month or two after it was released in paperback before I got to read it. And it was kind of nice to get back into this world that the author has created. I like Goldy Bear and her family. I love the relationship she has with her husband Tom who works for the Sheriff's department. They're so cute! I want a husband who will love me just like he loves her the way she is.As usual though, there has been a murder of someone that Goldy knows, and she has a friend in trouble that she needs to help, but also doesn't know if this person could have anything to do with what is going on. In fact, this is a really complicated mystery, as I might have guessed by the length of the book. Lots of stuff going on. As I saw another reviewer, this was a bit convoluted, but that's okay. I kind of liked how it all tied together at the end. I didn't really guess at first, which you can't, you don't actually know who one of the suspects is until towards the end, and even then, he is just a connection to the main murderer, or not even murderer, but mastermind behind a lot of what was happening. We don't get a lot of time with Arch in this book, he seems to be away at friends a lot. But that has happened more in each passing book.Now, here's what shocked me. Goldy says she's 37 in this book. I am wondering, how old was she when the series started back in 1990? Because I remember her being older than me I thought, and now I'm 2, almost 3 years older than her! Makes me feel really old! The ending leaves off that Goldy and Tom of course solve the mystery, after Goldy once again puts herself in danger trying to do it all on her own, and now Tom is thinking he'd like them to have a baby. So, that should be a big part of the next book. Which I hope there is one, although maybe a bit shorter and less convoluted with the mystery next time. All in all, a good read, and a nice visit back in Aspen Meadow with Goldy and her friends and family.